Friday, June 18, 2010

Introduction of the current members of my life

Amanda and Jill-aka the Jungle to Jungle girls. Jill (the one on the right) was an intern of Tom's a year and a half ago. Her and her sister now live on the property and continue to help Tom, while continuing on their adventures. They started a non-profit organization , called Jungle to Jungle. The idea of this program is to get kids engaged, gain understanding and to learn in a unique way of cultures around the world. The girls go the middle school before they head off on their journey ( they last went to the Amazon) and see what questions the students want to know about this certain place. They are than guided by these questions as they go around, answering them and taking video of the whole experience. They than find a school there-set up the videos- and have the students talk to one another, sort of like a modern day penpal. They are such fun girls and are soon going off to Borneo.

Baldwin Swim Club members
As most of you know- A group of us go to Baldwin beach every morning to swim a mile down to Baby beach. This tradition started when the tragic accident of Max happened. Last year he was ran over by a boat while diving and got one of his arms cut off, during this he lost so much blood that he had a stroke. This left him very depressed and feeling worthless. Tom and Skeeter (known as the best yoga instructors on the island) one day decided that they should get him back out in the ocean swimming, something he has done his entire life. At first he would make up excuses on not coming, but quickly realized that they wouldn't take no for an answer. So this was the begging of the club. Before we get into the water two things must happen. One: We must all line up and do a little ritual blessing the water. Two: Max tells us our mission, you see Max is a well traveled guy. Has traveled around the world on his boat. He actually was a treasure hunter, in fact found the largest treasure that anyone has ever found. Lets just say the man knows his stuff- and sends us on some pretty intense missions!

Us doing the blessing

us gathering for our mission

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